If you’re planning to buy a strata property and you have furry or feathered friends, find out whether pets are allowed and if there are restrictions.
Under the Strata Property Act and Regulation, strata corporations can restrict owners and tenants from keeping pets or certain kinds of pets through the bylaws of the strata corporation.
Pet restrictions under the Standard Bylaws
Strata corporations can use the Strata Property Act’s Standard Bylaw 3(4) as a guideline. It stipulates that an owner, tenant, or occupant must not keep any pets other than:
• a reasonable number of fish or other small aquarium animals;
• a reasonable number of small caged mammals;
• up to two caged birds; and
• one dog or one cat.
The Standard Bylaws also require owners and tenants to ensure all animals are leashed or secured when on the common property or on land that is a common asset.
Strata pet bylaws
Strata corporations can also pass their own bylaws dealing with pets by creating and then filing the bylaw in the Land Title Office.
Strata bylaws can:
• prohibit pets;
• limit the number of pets you can keep;
• restrict pets, such as requiring you to leash your pet in common areas;
• limit the kind of pets, such as no dogs, or no dogs over 20 kilograms; and
• require pets to be registered with the strata council.
Bylaw exemption for service animals
If an owner, tenant, or occupant depends upon a service animal due to a disability, they are allowed by law to have that animal live with them.
What if you already have a pet?
If your strata corporation creates a new pet bylaw restricting pets and you are already have a pet when the bylaw is passed, your pet can continue to live in your strata unit.
You won’t be able to get another pet unless your new pet meets pet bylaw requirements.
You will also have to make sure your pet doesn’t disturb neighbours or create a nuisance that prevents neighbours from the quiet enjoyment of their property.
For information, read this document.
Text Source: Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver