B.C. Assessment Authority has updated its website for assessments of over two million B.C. properties!
Go to bcasssessment.ca and search under the address to check out your home’s 2023 property assessment reflecting July 1, 2022 values.
Assessor Bryan Murao says ‘Since July 1, we know that the real estate market has changed as interest rates continue to rise and overall sales volume has declined. As a result, your next property assessment will likely be higher than what the current market value might be, but that will be the same for everyone.’
To read up on how B.C. Assessment values properties…..click here and view on January 3rd, B.C. Assessment updated interactive maps to access local market trends for various communities, and average market movement for different property classes…..click here.
Scroll through the 10 page list for BC Assessments top 500 valued residential properties!
Top 500 2023