The Province of British Columbia, in late 2023, introduced changes to the Local Government Act with the goal of increasing the speed and supply of new housing across BC.
Bill 44 – Housing Statutes (Residential Development):
Bill 44 requires local governments to allow for increased density on lots currently zoned for single family and duplexes, provided they are connected to water and sewer services and limits the use of public hearings for certain residential projects that are consistent with the Official Community Plan and zoning bylaws.
Bill 47 – Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas)
Bill 47 requires municipalities to designate land near rapid transit stations and major bus exchanges (i.e., Colwood Exchange) as Transit-Oriented Areas, and to permit development in accordance with prescribed minimum densities.
What are North Shore’s City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver and District of West Vancouver doing to amend their Bylaws and align to provincial changes?